
I would like to share with you
some of the tales I have heard
from those who know more
than I about  Comfortable
Place .

*A series of Teddy Bear
tales for children 3+

    Long Tall Teddy
    story by Paul Birkeland-Green,
illustrations by Carol Birkeland-Green
Long tall teddy
The box sprang open and out jumped the tallest teddy bear Haley
had ever seen!
Wooh, exclaimed Haley in a amazed but slightly startled voice.
The great long teddy bear swayed backwards and forwards as he
tried to get his balance.
That’s better, said the bear, I was very squashed in there. I’m too big
for that box really.
I can see that said Haley, why do you live in there?
It’s the biggest box I could find, replied the teddy.
Haley looked down at the square wooden box, and saw the teddy’s
two big woolly feet struggling to stay in the box. Haley started to
giggle…she looked up and saw teddy also had two great big woolly
paws as well.
Do you thing I look a bit, well tall and thin? Asked the bear.
Haley was still giggling at the big feet and paws but looked up and
said, a bit.
I wasn’t always this shape, sighed the bear, I was just like all the
other bears once.
What on earth happened? Haley asked.
Well, began the teddy bear, it was a very wet and windy day in the toyshop and two brothers came into the shop with their Mummy. Their coats were dripping wet. They looked so funny, I had to grin. One of the boys saw me and rushed over and picked me up. Ugh, the rain on his coat made me all wet!
Oh! Shrieked his brother and he ran over to me as well. More water exclaimed teddy,
He swayed about in his box just at the thought of it.

      Toy Shop
Then what happen quizzed
They started to pull me this way
and that explained teddy
He’s mine, No mine! Cried his
brother No mine came the
reply again.
Now the boys’ mummy was
shaking her umbrella in the
toyshop doorway so she didn’t
see what was going on, teddy
explained. By the time she
noticed the two boys pulling
me this way and that, the
damage was done.
  Stretching teddy
Stop that!, commanded
their mummy, and the
boys froze, each holding
an end of me in both
hands., Put that teddy
down! I’m very sorry said
their Mummy to the
The boys both looked
down at me, now long
and thin with big paws!
I don’t think I looked so
good then.
Teddy looked down and
Haley was laughing. The tall
teddy could now see how funny
the story seemed now and he
started to laugh as well. He
laughed so hard he fell out of
the box, his big woolly feet
wriggling about in the air.
Oh I think you look wonderful
just as you are cried Haley
through her laughter. I will ask
Mummy if you can come home
with me.
They both stopped laughing and
looked at each other. Then
began to laugh again even

  Going Home
Haley’s Mummy liked the teddy bear too, so they all went home together.

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