See story3

I would like to share with you some of the tales I have heard from those who know more than I about  Comfortable Place .

*A series of Teddy Bear tales for children 3+

Where a Teddy shouldn't be!  
story by Paul Birkeland-Green,
illustrations by Carol Birkeland-Green

not now said sarah
The coin rolled across the table and dropped down behind the enormous pile of wooden toys. It’s the kind of thing that always happens when you’re in a hurry. "Not now," pleaded Sarah, her hands waving in all directions.
"We will be late, late, late late!"
Sarah’s cat Archie, looked down from the top of the kitchen cupboards to see what all the fuss was about.
Teddy cried Sarah
What am I going to do? Sarah thought to herself.
The pile of wooden toys all colours and shapes filled the corner of the kitchen. The pile, almost as high and just as wide as Sarah, began to look bigger and bigger the more Sarah stared at it.
Well I need that coin! Sarah insisted. So here goes.
The wood clattered and clonked in that funny way wooden toys do, as Sarah pulled the toys from the pile and onto the floor behind her. Skittles and dolls, puppets and all manner of things emerged from the pile. Some locked together some all knotted with strings.
  Sarah tidied
Then from the pile a paw, followed by a leg and a head.
"Teddy!" Cried Sarah, "how did you get in there?" The teddy bear was almost smiling. And on his lap the shiny golden coin.
Sarah picked up the coin and then the teddy, pulling him from the wooden pile.
Look at this mess, thought Sarah, Mummy will be cross.
She hurriedly carried armfuls of toys into her room and into her toy cupboard. Back and forth until the great pile was gone. Teddy sat on the table and watched.
      another coin    

"Sarah", called her mother. "We are going, come on."
"I’m ready" replied Sarah.
"Well I’m glad"…before the words had left her lips Sarah’s mother had walked into the kitchen and saw the clear and empty corner.
"Good Heavens!" Sarah’s mother could hardly believe her eyes.
"You’ve tidied up!"
"Err. yes" replied Sarah looking down at her feet as she spoke. "Well?"
"Do you still have your money?" asked Sarah’s mother.
"Yes" replied Sarah, still looking at her feet.
"Well for being so good, here is another shiny new coin."
Sarah took it gingerly, now looking at teddy.
"Thank-you" she muttered.

Everyone was happy

The teddy on the table kept smiling, he knew what had really happened but he wasn’t saying anything. It was warm and comfortable on the sunny kitchen table, and everyone was happy.

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